Apply for a free soundtrack for your game!

A complete music service for your game!

Hello, developers!
We are Music Tale, a video game music company, specialized in RPG, fantasy adventure and related genres. Creating music that transports the listener to enchanting valleys, misterious forests, epic battles or cozy taverns is a true passion of ours!
Although we’re already professional composers/producers, Music Tale is a fresh new project, so we decided to offer a completely free video game music service (of up to 10 tracks) to a selected project, as our company’s debut. Here’s how it works (and it’s pretty simple): just fill in the following form, providing a description of your game project (2D or 3D). The description must inform:

  • The current stage of development and its estimated completion date
  • The game’s genre
  • The main ideas of the game
  • What you need or want for the soundtrack (amount and types of music, how many minutes approximately, etc.). Give us only an estimation.
  • If it is a group that is developing it, how many people are?

Within the different genres existent, we are open to many types. It can be an adventure, fantasy, a pixel art game or a more realistic one, different types of RPG and so on. Once all the submissions have been received, we will carefully analyze each project, seeking out what we find to be the most promising ideas. The developer(s) behind our preferred project will be selected, and we’ll carefully work on it together! Share your ideas with us and we’ll be pleased to work on your project!

During the composing process (that will begin once we receive a game design document and specific guidelines, after having a good conversation), we’ll maintain contact with the winning developer(s) to make sure that the music will suit and enrich the project. We’ll also be available to clarify, during the process of implementing the soundtrack, matters about the interaction between music and gameplay.

Submissions can be done until July 2st, 2023, at 11:59 PM (AST). The selected project will be announced on July 9, at 4:00 PM (AST)

If you’d like to know more about us, you can go to our home page and to our music
, here in this website. If you have any doubts or just want to contact us, you can also fill in the contact’s page form or send us an email at We’ll respond you soon!

Wishing you all boundless inspiration and success in your work!
Michel Curi and Luiz Hauck

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